Inclán Clinical Training Academy

In order to increase use of evidence-based practices, we provide training to practitioners serving families affected by substance use and related behavior problems. Training focuses on increased family involvement in treatment, enhanced family relational and coping skills, and facilitating education on medication use.

Our trainings include live online and self-guided formats, as well as video-based learning, educational manuals and consultations. They are tailored to the needs of behavioral health clinicians, physicians and other medical staff, home visiting and wraparound workers, school counselors, paraprofessionals, peer supports and other providers.

FamilyFrame and CBTFrame

Check out this brief description of our online self-paced trainings in Family Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.


Centered around 13 core techniques of Family Therapy and using video-based modeling along with weekly course modules. It can be accessed solely as a self-guided online course or paired with varying levels of immersive feedback and consultation.


Centered around 10 core techniques of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and uses video-based modeling along with weekly course modules. It can be accessed solely as a self-guided online course or paired with varying levels of immersive feedback and consultation.

Medication Education and Decision-making Support for Youth with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (MEDS-ADHD)

Provides psychoeducation on ADHD in adolescence and offers ways to guide families through this diagnosis, including the potential for incorporating medication into an adolescent’s treatment.

Changing Academic Support in the Home for Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CASH-AA)

Adapts school-based academic interventions for delivery in outpatient care and focuses on family motivational interventions, homework management and schoolwork organizational skills, and therapist-family-school collaboration.

Centering family involvement

The current science tells us that relational treatment is most effective. Rather than understanding problems as solely existing within people, we are invested in identifying solutions that exist between people and between people and larger systems.

Enhancing family relationships and relations to systems can support practitioners in embracing a paradigm shift. While most providers identify the value in increasing family participation in treatment of a loved one’s substance use problem, adapting their clinical practice is a challenge.

Inviting improvement in family skills

Trainings support practitioners in teaching more effective behaviors to individuals with substance use and their families, and promoting self-care among family members. Skills that practitioners can offer include positive communication, principles of positive reinforcement, problem- solving and more.

Facilitating education on medication use

Effective medication exists for several behavioral health problems and is also widely under-utilized. Family involvement in understanding medication and making decisions around its use is vital. Trainings support practitioners in promoting informative conversations between individuals who could benefit from medication and their loved ones. As a result, individuals and their families can become more informed and supported around treatment plans.

Available training curricula

Community Reinforcement Approach and Family Training (CRAFT)

CRAFT is a scientifically proven approach to help parents and other caregivers improve the way they relate to their child and motivate behavior change. It also encourages caregivers to take care of their own needs in the process.

We provide training to practitioners on the following subjects and therapy models. Use the contact form below for more information.

Foundations of Systemic Family Therapy for Substance Use Problems

An introduction to family therapy techniques for substance use disorder (SUD) with modules on Family Engagement, Family Therapy Techniques, Community Reinforcement Approach and Family Training (CRAFT), Couples, and Family Therapy & Telemedicine (informed by SAMHSA’s Treatment Improvement Protocol).

Core Elements of Family Therapy for Adolescent Conduct and Substance Use Problems

Introduces providers to family therapy techniques focused on increasing family engagement and offers a foundation for a jump to systems thinking. Training focuses on three segments: Family Involvement in Treatment, Family Skills Training and Systemic Family Therapy.

Contact us

For more information on receiving expert-delivered training and consultation, or with questions on how to access online learning.

Our team

Clinical trainings are developed and facilitated by the following behavioral scientists and training staff.

Molly Bobek, L.C.S.W.

Co-Director & Clinical Trainer

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Alexandra MacLean, M.A.

Co-Director of Clinical Training

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Mari Watkins

Research and Training Assistant

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About the Inclán Clinical Training Academy

Both the faculty and the research and training goals of the academy have been mentored and inspired by Dr. Jaime Inclán, PhD. Dr. Inclán is a world-renowned family therapy theorist, trainer and practitioner. For the past 40 years he has been committed to a pioneering vision for healing: family-centered care embedded in the local community. He has trained numerous generations of clinicians in a model for behavioral health care that is grounded in social justice and focused on under-resourced communities.

Our longstanding collaboration with Dr. Inclán and the organization he founded, the Roberto Clemente Center, has yielded numerous advancements in the understanding of how family therapy can transform the lives of young people who are struggling, and how clinicians can become socioculturally attuned agents of change.

More about our foundational principles

The work we do is founded in a strong belief in science. The measurable truths and hard facts of science shape our understanding of what treatments and training models work, and we are committed to asking new questions and the possibility of unexpected answers. All of the foundations that follow emerge from this most ingrained belief.

We also believe in the healing power of families. The science is inarguable that relational treatment works. Rather than understanding problems as solely existing within people, we are invested in identifying solutions that exist between people and between people and larger systems.

We recognize and challenge oppressive and dehumanizing social systems. The science is undeniable that structural racism is the cause of widespread health disparities, and we are committed to accountability for ourselves and others to reflect on our own biases and worldviews.

We understand that language matters. The science is clear that stigmatizing language and views reduce willingness of individuals and families to seek treatment and can negatively impact the treatment that providers offer. We believe in using scientifically accurate, person-first, and empowering language in training and treatment.