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We're on a mission to transform how our nation addresses addiction by empowering families, advancing effective care, shaping public policy and changing culture.

Learn more about our work & impact

Who we are

The nation’s leading organization dedicated to addiction prevention, treatment and recovery, we are a diverse community of researchers, advocates, clinicians, communicators and more.

Call to Action
Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

At Partnership to End Addiction we strive to address racial inequality and injustice, both within our organization and through our work. We adopt practices that promote diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging in the services we provide, the families we seek to reach and the people who make up our team. We work to create an environment and engage in activities that reflect these values.

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Our partners

We partner with organizations and corporations across public and private sectors, and on the local, state and national level to advance our mission and work for families.

Latest news about our work

Updates on our work in the field and collaboration with partners.

New Board Members Announced

Partnership to End Addiction added four new members to its Board of Directors in July: Kamala Greene Génecé, Ph.D., Cammie Wolf Rice, Nicole Hanley Pickett and Francesca Bodini, M.B.A. Read More

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CEO’s Prevention Week Reflection

Prevention Week Reflection from Partnership to End Addiction CEO Creighton Drury: Let’s Begin With Promoting Read More

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Black History Month Reflections

Marcus Daugherty, M.A., L.M.H.C. is Vice President, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging (DEIB) & System Innovation Read More

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We provide journalists with research, access to experts and the human stories of families impacted by addiction. For media inquiries, contact

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