Emily Feinstein, J.D.

Executive Vice President

Emily Feinstein brings 23 years of health policy experience in corporate, government, nonprofit and academic settings, and a passion for eliminating the barriers people face when seeking treatment for addiction.

In her current role, she helps ensure that Partnership to End Addiction achieves its mission and strategic goals of advancing effective care and public policy, and changing culture, in order to help families impacted by addiction. Her responsibilities include strategic planning and spearheading new initiatives; internal planning, coordination, and operations; supporting the CEO and Board of Directors; and serving as a spokesperson for the organization.

Previously, Emily practiced health care law at a leading global law firm. She began her career as a bioethicist, working for President Clinton’s National Bioethics Advisory Commission, the University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics, the University of Virginia School of Medicine, and The Hastings Center. She received her J.D. from NYU School of Law and her Bachelor of Arts degree from Brown University.

Selected Publications

May 2012

Addressing the Critical Health Problem of Adolescent Substance Use Through Health Care, Research, and Public Policy

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