Find out what Arianna Huffington, founder and CEO of Thrive Global, has learned from her daughter Christina's substance use disorder – including the importance of reaching out for help.
At face value, they sound so simple. Just seven words strung together. But in taking a moment to step back and find perspective, they become so much more.
These were men that drank and played hard during a time when there was less discrimination over a swing and a swig. Men whose substance use were denied or protected, sometimes even by the sportswriters who sat at the bar with them.
Dear Dad, I am grateful for all that you have done during my addiction and continue to do for me. I would not be alive and well today if it weren’t for you.
After experiencing and acknowledging emotions brought about in parenting an addicted child, I believe that I will better cope with negative feelings that arise.
From honor student to nearly failing his freshman year, my son was on the fast-track to the dark side. Though he hadn't developed an addiction, he was well on his way.
When addiction hit my daughter, it was like a tornado hitting our home from the inside out. Learning to talk to her was like learning a different language.
I understand that there is truly only so much that I can do to save my daughter from addiction. Ultimately her recovery is between her and her Higher Power.
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