Partnership News

Updates on our work and press announcements.

The Partnership at is pleased to announce the election of Bill Koenigsberg to its Board of Directors, along with his Chairmanship of the board’s Media Exposure Committee.
The University of Michigan’s Monitoring the Future study (MTF) – the largest survey on teen drug abuse tracking over 46,000 8th, 10th and 12th graders – found a huge falloff in teens’ recalled exposure to drug abuse prevention messages over the past seven years. The new data from the MTF study have been released at a time when teens themselves report finding the drug-prevention messages to be effective.
In 2009 and 2010, the Glass Family organized “Jeremy’s Run” in Olney, Maryland in memory of their son Jeremy Glass who tragically died from a drug addiction.
We are excited to welcome mother, actor and author Melissa Gilbert as our New Celebrity Champion. Melissa joins our cause to help parents prevent and get help for a child who may be struggling with drug or alcohol addiction. The Partnership at is now working with Melissa to empower parents and families across the country with a message of hope and strength as she shares her deep, personal connection to our issue.
New omnibus research from the Partnership for a Drug-Free America shows that more than one-third of parents are concerned that TV (38 percent), computers (37 percent) and video games (33 percent) make it harder for them to communicate with their media-engrossed teens about risky behaviors, like drug and alcohol use.
The Partnership for a Drug-Free America, in conjunction with Major League Baseball (MLB) Charities, today launched the first annual Commissioner’s Play Healthy Awards to celebrate extraordinary individuals on and off the playing field.
Survey data released today by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America® and MetLife Foundation found that teenage girls are more likely than teenage boys to perceive potential benefits from drug use and drinking, making teen girls more vulnerable to drug and alcohol abuse.
The Partnership welcomes the National Drug Control Strategy’s thoughtful emphasis on prevention, early intervention and substance abuse treatment, and looks forward to working with Director Gil Kerlikowske and all the staff at the Office of National Drug Control Policy to bring these strategies to life at the national and community levels.