World Premier: “Out of Reach” Documentary at Genart Film Festival in NYC

    Last night, “Out of Reach”, a short documentary created by teen filmmaker Cyrus Stowe, premiered at  the 18th Annual Genart Film Festival in New York City.  The film captures the issue of teen prescription drug abuse in Cyrus’ school and community, and it was created in collaboration with our organization and director Tucker Capps (of A&E’s “Intervention”).  “Out of Reach” is not only a reflection of medicine abuse as it exists in one teen’s world, but of this issue across the country.

    The film is available for those who want to show it to their friends, schools, communities, families and anyone who could benefit from learning more about the issue. Visit The Medicine Abuse Project website to view the trailer and learn more about how you can use the documentary and a special accompanying toolkit to help #EndMedicineAbuse.

     View photos of the NYC premier on our Facebook page >


    October 2013

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