Winter Wish Gala Raises More Than $1 Million for Families in Need

    We hosted our annual Winter Wish Gala at Gotham Hall in New York City on Tuesday, December 12, raising more than $1.1 million dollars to help families struggling with their child’s substance use. Elizabeth Vargas, Award-Winning ABC News Co-Anchor of “20/20” and author of “Between Breaths,” served as Master of Ceremonies.

    The event celebrated the individuals and organizations who help further our mission, including Facebook; David A. Katz, Esq., Partner at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz; Natasha Silver Bell, Founder and President, Silverbell Coaching; Christine Mack, Philanthropist; Thomas McLellan, Ph.D., Former Deputy Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy; and our invaluable parent coaches and volunteers.

    We extend a special thanks to our Gold sponsors: Google; the National Basketball Association; Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz; Mike White; and Allen Rosenshine.


    “We are proud of our collaboration and partnership with the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, and honored to accept this award.”

    Antigone Davis, Head of Global Safety, Facebook

    The dollars raised at the Gala will fund the personalized and comprehensive resources for families that the Partnership is known for, allowing our specialists to connect with a mother who calls our Helpline (855-DRUGFREE), desperately seeking guidance about her son’s opioid use, or to teach her about naloxone as emergency first aid that could save his life. Gala funding also allows us to train parent coaches who talk with parents, answering questions like, “Where do I go for treatment?”, “How do I pay for it if I don’t have insurance?,” or “How do I handle the holidays while my child is in rehab?”

    If we missed you at the Gala, there is still time to support our work for families. Please consider making a donation today.


    December 2017

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