We Work to Find Solutions and Support Families Facing the Opioid Crisis

    With 144 people dying every day in drug-overdose related deaths, 91 of which are directly related to opioids, we continue to work diligently to find concrete solutions to address this public health crisis.

    We have a long history working with partners, agencies and government officials at the federal, state and local levels to ensure that, collectively, we are doing everything possible to drive down the number of opioid overdoses and overdose deaths. We know that to achieve the best possible outcomes, we must all work together to provide services to all who need them and ensure that every family has access to support services.

    We Remain Steadfast in our Commitment to Finding Solutions to Help End the Opioid Crisis:

    – We were invited to testify before the President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Opioid Crisis, and we emphasized that a major factor in the unacceptably high number of overdose fatalities is the tragic reality that families are unable to find the support and resources they need to help a loved one who is struggling with a substance use disorder. The treatment system is incredibly difficult to navigate and, because of the soaring costs of treatment and the stigma that still surrounds addiction, families do not necessarily reach out for help.

    – With funding and support from the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTAs) in the eastern United States, we launched a comprehensive resource to help families and communities address the country’s opioid crisis. Heroin and Other Opioids: From Understanding to Action provides parents with information and support for their family and treatment resources for their loved one. A short, powerful animated film explains how someone can go from abusing and misusing prescription pain medicine to heroin use and the devastation this epidemic has had on our communities.

    – In 2012, we launched the Medicine Abuse Project, creating a broad coalition of companies, federal agencies and nonprofits who continue to work together to drive down the misuse and abuse of prescription and over-the-counter medications. The Medicine Abuse Project’s focus is reducing misuse and abuse of medication among teens, and the Partnership’s work has already helped contribute to a 45 percent decrease in abuse of prescription pain relievers by high school seniors in the past five years.

    – Our “Search and Rescue” prescriber education campaign is supported by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It helps prescribers nationwide link to their state Prescription Drug Monitoring Program and offers other tools to help identify and get help for patients at risk of misuse and abuse of prescription medications.

    – Community education tools that we created with support from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) have helped start a dialogue about local responses to this epidemic in communities across the country.Our medication-assisted treatment eBook offers families a complete and comprehensive overview of medication-assisted treatment, including how to find the right facility or treatment provider for their child.

    – More than $140 million worth of “Mind Your Meds” public service announcements have already run to help raise awareness and bring attention to the dangers of misuse and abuse of medicines, while urging people to properly secure and dispose of medications in their homes.

    – The Partnership’s two documentary films – “Out of Reach” and “Breaking Points” – have been screened by close to 10,000 communities and individuals in all 50 states. These films have focused on teen misuse and abuse of prescription medicine, including opioids and stimulants.


    November 2017

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