Two New PSAs Address Opioid Misuse and Abuse, Encouraging Parents to Reach Out for Help

    We’ve created two new TV PSAs that encourage parents and caregivers to take action and not hesitate to reach out for help for their child who is struggling with substance use. Both PSAs feature real parents whose children faced an addiction to prescription opioids.

    Upon discovering his son was misusing prescription pills, David stated, “I felt like a failure, as many parents do, but the problem was bigger than him. He needed help so I confronted it.”  His son has now been in recovery for a few years now.

    Justina ultimately lost her son Ronnie when he was just 19 years old. In her PSA, she tearfully advises other parents. “Try not to be too proud to reach out for help. Don’t be worried about what your neighbor or family will think, just get the child the help they need.”

    Both PSAs end with the tag line, “There’s hope and help at”

    The new PSA’s will air in conjunction with the Partnership’s larger parent testimonial campaign, across both national and local TV.

    To learn more about opioids, and to get support for families struggling with opioid misuse, visit.   /heroin-opioid-epidemic/.

    To view these and our other TV PSAs, visit The Partnership on YouTube.


    August 2018

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