Partnership President Joins New Hampshire Roundtable on the Prescription Drug and Heroin Epidemic

    Partnership President and CEO, Marcia Lee Taylor, will join the Addiction Policy Forum as part of a roundtable discussion on the addiction and heroin epidemic. They will be joined by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), local families and key stakeholders from law enforcement, prevention, treatment and recovery.

    As Presidential candidates visit key electoral states like New Hampshire, they are hearing from constituents that drug abuse, and the opiate crisis in particular, is the main issue they care about. A University of New Hampshire survey found that 25 percent of people in the state cited drug abuse as the most important issue facing their community, surpassing jobs and the economy. Like so many Presidential hopefuls, Ted Cruz has opened up about his personal connection to drug abuse and addiction with the death of his older sister to an overdose.

    Taylor will address the challenges we face in representing families who struggle with drug abuse and will stress the importance of providing adequate resources to tackle the current prescription drug and heroin crisis that we are seeing all over the country. Additional co-hosts will include Alkermes, Conx2share, Faces and Voices of Recovery, Hope for New Hampshire and National Council for Behavioral Health.

    The event will be held Thursday, February 4 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Emmanuel Baptist Church in Hooksett, New Hampshire. To attend the event, please RSVP here.

    If you can’t join the Forum, please watch the livestream event here.



    February 2016

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