Partnership Parent Coach Denise Mariano Honored by White House

    Denise Mariano and White House Office of the National Drug Control Policy Director Michael Botticelli

    Denise Mariano and White House Office of the National Drug Control Policy Director Michael Botticelli

    Partnership for Drug-Free Kids volunteer Parent Coach, Denise Mariano, has been honored as a 2015 Advocate for Action by the White House for her outstanding advocacy efforts. Recognized for her work to help reduce drug use and its consequences in her community, Denise joins eight other individuals and organizations receiving this award.

    As a volunteer Parent Coach, Denise donates her time to offer peer-to-peer support and assistance to families who call our Parents Toll-Free Helpline. These parents often seek guidance in how to deal with their teen’s substance abuse issues and our coaches help direct them on what steps to take.

    Recently Denise, along with volunteer Parent Coach, Pat Aussem, began providing training and free Naloxone kits equipping family members with the knowledge and materials they need in order to immediately respond to and reverse an overdose should one occur. The initiative is part of the Partnership’s Medicine Abuse Project, a five-year effort to prevent half a million teens from abusing drugs by the year 2017.

    She also serves as an advocate for the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence in New Jersey spearheading efforts to address addiction issues throughout the state.

    Thank you Denise for your dedication to helping improve the lives of families affected by substance abuse!

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