Partnership Founder Tom Hedrick Named White House Champion of Change

    Tom Hedrick

    Next Friday, April 29, the White House will recognize 10 individuals from across the country as “White House Champions of Change for Advancing Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery.” Our very own Tom Hedrick, one of the founding members of the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, has been selected by the White House for his leadership and tireless work on behalf of families.

    Over the course the Partnership’s 30-year history, Tom helped to build resources and support for parents and caregivers in prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery through our website and our toll-free Helpline, 855-DRUGFREE. Under his guidance, the Partnership also initiated a peer support program to recruit and train experienced parents and caregivers to coach other caring adults who have discovered that their kids have a substance use disorder.

    The Champions of Change program was created as an opportunity for the White House to feature individuals doing extraordinary things to empower and inspire members of their communities. The event will be open press and streamed live on To learn more about the White House Champions of Change program, visit Follow the conversation at #WHchamps.


    April 2016

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