The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids Launches “Fried Egg 2016” Campaign Re-Imagined for Today’s Parents

    ~Emmy-Award Winning, “Mom” Actress, Allison Janney Provides Voiceover for TV Spot~

    ~Release of New Campaign Marks Kickoff of Nonprofit’s 30th Anniversary Year~

    NEW YORK – August 8, 2016 – The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, a national nonprofit committed to helping families struggling with their son or daughter’s substance use, launched a campaign that illustrates the evolution of the drug landscape, including the challenging questions parents get asked by their kids. The new campaign breaks today and features a :30 TV ad and a :30 radio spot that were created by Campbell Ewald, an advertising agency with offices in Detroit, Los Angeles and New York. The campaign also includes a print ad and online banner ads created by BFG Communications, an agency headquartered in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, with offices in New York and Atlanta. The TV spot was directed by Janusz Kaminski, who has won numerous awards, including two Oscars (“Schindler’s List,” “Saving Private Ryan”) and for the past two decades has worked as Steven Spielberg’s cinematographer on most of his films. All creative for the new campaign was developed and produced entirely pro bono by all agency and production partners.

    The “Fried Egg 2016” TV PSA (public service announcement) features a voiceover from Emmy-Award winning actress Allison Janney, who not only portrays a mother in recovery on the CBS sitcom, “Mom,” but whose own brother struggled with substance abuse for many years before he ultimately lost his battle with addiction and depression.

    “‘Fried Egg 2016” is a nod to the Partnership’s iconic TV spot from the 1980s, but is re-envisioned to reflect parenting today and the change in perceptions and awareness about drug use,” said Rebecca Shaw, Director of Advertising and Production for the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids. “The new campaign focuses on the litany of drug questions that parents face from their teens, and it also shows how the Partnership has evolved to meet the needs of families. We understand just how difficult this subject can be for parents who are facing it head on and we’re here with answers, help and guidance.”

    The new TV spot opens with familiar imagery, an egg being cracked open on a cast iron frying pan, as the sound of hot butter sizzles. Then the voiceover says, “This is your brain. This is drugs. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?” It transitions to a series of kids asking parents questions about substance abuse in rapid succession. “Um yeah, I have questions,” says one teen. “Prescription drugs aren’t as bad as street drugs, right?” says another. “Weed’s legal, isn’t it?” The tension continues building in the spot with each question. “Why is heroin so addictive?” “Dad, did you ever try drugs?” The PSA then closes with a voiceover from actress Allison Janney: “They’re going to ask. Be ready. Go to”

    “It becomes clear the positive effect this organization has had on generations of people when you produce work for them,” said Joe Godard, Creative Director at Campbell Ewald. “A simple request and there are production companies, actors and directors, all wanting to be part of the program. It’s an honor to be part of a powerful legacy.”

    The new campaign breaks nationally this week on the CBS Television Network, which aired the original “Fried Egg” TV PSA and has been a 30-year supporter of the Partnership’s work. In conjunction with Horizon Media, the TV spot will also be distributed to national cable networks and hundreds of television stations in over 200 local markets across the country.

    “Given the complexities that surround substance abuse today, including legalization of marijuana, prescription medicine abuse and heroin, coupled with the daily, tragic headlines on overdose deaths, kids today have very specific questions they ask of their parents,” said Kristi Rowe, Chief Marketing Officer for the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids. “These topics are all front and center for teens, so we want to ensure that families have a place to turn to get those answers. We know too, that there are families who are past the question and answer stage, and whose kids are struggling with a substance use disorder.”

    Partnership Marks 30 Years Addressing Teen Substance Abuse and Addiction

    “The Partnership remains focused on driving awareness through our PSAs, and we also recognize that families need direct service. That’s why for more than 15 years now we’ve offered comprehensive resources online for parents at and since 2010, a Toll-Free Helpline for families to call for support,” said Marcia Lee Taylor, President and CEO of the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids. “As we enter our fourth decade, the Partnership is a place where families can find the information they need to understand today’s ever-changing drug landscape and get help for a child with a substance use disorder. We are not just helping address the difficult questions, we are helping parents and families find answers.”

    Today, the nonprofit’s bilingual Toll-Free Helpline, 1-855-DRUGFREE, helps families who want to talk to trained and caring parent support specialists about a child’s drug use or drinking. Grounded in the evidence-based principles of motivational interviewing and Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT), the Partnership also created a system of support for parents known as Parent Support Network. This includes the Helpline and intervention and treatment resources available at and is bolstered parent-to-parent peer coaching.

    Looking back at its 30-year history, the Partnership’s new interactive historical timeline brings to life how the charity organization has responded to a changing drug landscape over the past three decades.


    Creative Credits for “FRIED EGG 2016” TV and Radio:

    Agency: Campbell Ewald
    Chief Creative Officer: Jo Shoesmith
    Art Director: Tom Cerroni
    Copywriter: Joe Godard
    Account Executive: Kelsea Wilhelm
    Producer: Mary Ellen Krawczyk
    Production Coordinator: Martha Carter
    Audio Engineer: John D’Agostini
    CEO: Kevin Wertz
    Business Management: Brenda Gorman, Teri Kachler, Kelly Maines

    Production Company: Independent Media Inc.
    Executive Producer: Susanne Preissler
    Director: Janusz Kaminski
    Editor: Hank Corwin, Federico Brusilovsky
    Executive Producer: Gary Ward
    Flame Artist: Glenn Teel

    Music: Barking Owl
    Executive Producer/Creative Director: Kelly Bayett

    Creative Credits for “FRIED EGG 2016” Print and Banner Ads:
    Agency: BFG Communications
    Chief Creative Officer: Scott Seymour
    Creative Director: Michael Rovner
    Sr. Art Director: Philip Foster


    August 2016

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