New Video Series from the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids Helps Identify Warning Signs of IV Opioid Use

    Video Module Provides Parents with a Resource for Assisting Their Children who may be Taking Increasingly Dangerous Risks

    NEW YORK – April 11, 2018 – The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids today released a video series for parents who are seeking specific help with a loved one’s IV (intravenous) opioid use. The Intravenous Drug Video Module can be viewed on the Partnership’s website.

    Intravenous substance use adds a significantly greater level of risk to substance use disorders. Parents who suspect their child may be engaging in IV drug use need to know what to look for and this in-depth video series helps identify signs of intravenous opioid use, so parents can help a loved one who is engaging in this dangerous behavior.

    The Intravenous Drug Video Module features four videos, which include:

    • Understanding How Opioid Addiction Can Lead to IV Use
    • How IV Use Adds Another Level of Risk
    • Spotting the Signs of IV Use
    • How To Help a Loved One Struggling With IV Heroin or Opioid Use

    “Parents who suspect their child may be using substances need to know the signs that their child may have begun IV drug use because the consequences can be catastrophic,” said Fred Muench, President and CEO of the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids. “This new video series provides parents with information about identifying IV drug use and offers guidance on what to do if drug use is suspected.”

    Signs that your son or daughter may be using drugs intravenously can be subtle or obvious, such as:

    • Burn marks on fingers, foil or spoons
    • Scars, known as “track marks,” on arms, legs or other parts of the body
    • Signs of syringes, needles and/or syringe caps that have been disposed of or hidden
    • Stamped glycine bags or folds
    • Loose cotton balls, Q-tips and/or cigarette filters
    • Rubber straps or bands, or even missing shoelaces

    If you notice any of these signs, the Partnership encourages several actions. Be equipped with the opioid overdose antidote, naloxone; take steps to reduce the risks associated with IV use; and develop a plan to engage your loved one in a comprehensive treatment program, including medications specifically used to address opioid use disorders.

    The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids is offering educational presentations to groups across the country, including prevention and treatment groups, law enforcement, churches, and civic organizations, to raise awareness about the nonprofit’s resources, and the new video series will now be incorporated into those presentations.

    The new video series also will be used by many of the Partnership’s Community Partners during local educational presentations and events. Community Partners are composed of community leaders, organizations and nonprofits with a common goal of fostering healthy and sustainable communities through support and education.

    The free resources include the Parent Helpline (855-DRUGFREE), a peer-to-peer parent-coaching program and a host of online tools. Parents and caregivers can find more information, support and guidance at

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    April 2018

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