New Medication Disposal Guide: Safe Disposal of Unused Rx Meds Begins at Home

    Safeguarding and properly disposing of unused or expired prescription medicine at home is an actionable step everyone can take to help keep kids and other family members safe. Research has shown that a majority of teens and young adults who report intentional misuse of prescription medicine have said they obtained it from friends, family and acquaintances. Allowing unused medication to remain in the home creates an easily accessible supply that can contribute to youth experimentation with potentially harmful substances that can even ultimately lead to substance use and addiction.

    We understand that it is critically important to dispose of unused medication when it is no longer needed, and it is equally crucial to make sure that unused medication is disposed of properly. That’s why we partnered with DisposeRx to create a new medication disposal guide to help families ensure their home is free of unused, unwanted or expired medication.

    “Partnership for Drug-Free Kids has been providing education and support to millions of families for more than three decades,” said William Simpson, DisposeRx President. “We are grateful and proud to be engaged with them, as we all work to inform families about the risks of unused medications and to encourage prevention. Medication disposal is a critical component, and we look forward to working with the newly merged Partnership and Center on Addiction to change behaviors and promote the convenience of at-home disposal.”

    Everyone can follow the steps highlighted in the new guide to learn more about how to properly dispose of unused and expired prescription and over-the-counter cough medicine, including solutions featuring at-home disposal products, along with tips on disposing of medications at drop boxes, collection sites and kiosks.

    The guide also explains more about community take-back events, like the October 26 National DEA Take Back Day, opportunities where unwanted prescription medication is collected and disposed of by local law enforcement officers.

    Learn more about how to safely dispose of unwanted prescription medication today.


    October 2019

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