National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is This Saturday, October 26

    The next National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is taking place this Saturday, October 26, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., where collection sites across the country will take back unused medications – no questions asked. Safely disposing of unneeded medications is a simple, concrete step Americans can take to do their part in helping curb the nation’s addiction epidemic, while helping keep their households and communities safe.

    Twice a year, in April and October, organizations throughout the country partner with the Drug Enforcement Administration to promote National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. Google continues to help raise awareness about the national epidemic by making it easier for people to find nearby Take Back Day events in their local areas by using Google Maps technology.

    Google also created a new video, “Life of a Pill,” to help parents and families understand the importance of properly disposing of unused or expired prescription medication safely. The Partnership was honored to have our own Chief Policy Officer, Marcia Lee Taylor, narrate the video, where Google included our website, directing viewers to access more resources.

    Previous Take Back Days have collected upwards of 11 million pounds of excess prescriptions, reducing the supply of prescription drugs available for abuse. Find a nearby drop off site in your area at


    October 2019

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