Check Out Partnership to End Addiction at the Mobilize Recovery Conference

    Partnership to End Addiction is proud to partner with the Mobilize Recovery initiative this year. We will present a track of content designed specifically for families and family service organizations with the Voices Project & Recovery Advocacy Project at the upcoming Mobilize Recovery Conference taking place digitally from August 18-20.

    This marks the first time family voices will be incorporated into the conference conversation in a significant way. The family track of the conference will include a plenary session titled Stronger Together, which will unpack the critical importance families play in the recovery journey. The session will also reveal more about what experts have known for years: involving families in recovery results in significantly better outcomes.

    You also don’t want to miss our two family-focused breakout sessions:

    • Serving Diverse Families and Lifting Their Voices
      How can the addiction field better serve diverse families? How can we build bridges with organizations representing communities of color and LGBTQ+ groups while working to ensure that there are resources to address their specific needs? We will discuss these topics and more.
    • It’s Not Enabling: Loving Someone through Addiction to Recovery
      Explore the Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) model for teaching families and friends effective strategies for helping their loved one change behavior.

    These conversations are just the start of what will be an ongoing dialogue between families and the recovery community.


    August 2020

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