Center on Addiction CEO Named to Committee to Address Emerging Drug Threats in U.S.

    Our CEO, Creighton Drury, has been tapped to serve on the Emerging Threats Committee, which will help identify and respond to emerging drug threats across the United States.

    The Director of White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), Jim Carroll, announced the formation of the new committee, consisting of representatives from National Drug Control Program agencies, state, local and tribal governments, along with non-government entities.

    “The drug threats facing the United States are constantly changing and more complex than ever before. It is critical we not only meet the challenges of today, but also prepare to address the threats of tomorrow,” Carroll said. “By bringing together those people on the front lines of this fight, we can position ourselves to proactively respond to these threats, and preserve the safety and security of American citizens.”


    May 2019

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