Journal Article

    Engaging the family in the care of young adults with substance use disorders


    Published: January 2021


    Efforts to engage young adults with substance use disorders in treatment often focus on the individual and do not consider the role that the family can play in the recovery process. In summarizing the proceedings of a longitudinal meeting on substance use among young adults, this special article outlines three key principles concerning the engagement of broader family units in substance use treatment: (1) care should involve family members (biological, extended, or chosen); (2) these family members should receive counseling on evidence-based approaches that can enhance their loved one’s engagement in care; and (3) family members should receive counseling on evidence-based strategies that can improve their own health. For each principle, we provide an explanation of our guidance to practitioners, supportive evidence, and additional practice considerations.

    Pediatrics. 2021. doi: 10.1542/peds.2020-023523C.