Hashish or hash is made from the resin (a secreted gum) of the cannabis plant. It is dried and pressed into small blocks and smoked. It can also be added to food and eaten. The resin is rich in THC, the main mind-altering ingredient found in the cannabis plant. Marijuana also comes from the cannabis plant. It is made from dried flowers and leaves of the plant.[1]

    What is hashish?

    Hashish is a reddish-brown to black colored resinous material of the cannabis plant. Pieces are broken off, placed in pipes and smoked.[1]

    As with marijuana, people who use hashish may experience a pleasant euphoria and sense of relaxation. Other common effects may include heightened sensory perception (such as brighter colors), laughter, altered perception of time, and increased appetite.

    Understand the risks

    Short-term effects of hashish include disrupted learning and memory, difficulty with thinking and problem solving, distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch), loss of motor coordination, increased heart rate, and anxiety. These effects are even greater when a person combines hashish with other drugs (including alcohol). Using hashish may cause dry mouth.

    Hashish increases the risk of chronic cough and bronchitis, and increases the risk of schizophrenia in vulnerable individuals. It may increase risk of anxiety, depression and a series of attitude and personality changes, known as “amotivational syndrome.” This syndrome is characterized by a diminished ability to carry out long-term plans, a sense of apathy, decreased attention to appearance and behavior, and decreased ability to concentrate for long periods of time. These changes can also include poor performance in school. Hashish can lead to addiction. It affects the brain’s reward system in the same way as all other drugs of addiction – and the likelihood of addiction increases considerably for those who start young.[1]

    Identify & address use

    Signs of use include glassy red eyes, slurred speech, loss of motor coordination and distorted perception. If you’re concerned your child may be using hashish or other substances, the following can help you address the behavior more effectively.

    A few simple tips and guidelines can go a long way toward spotting issues with drug use earlier rather than later. Read More
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    So your kid has been using drugs or drinking. Is this just what kids do? Is it going to become a problem? Don’t leave the answers to chance. Read More
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    It can be scary if your child is using drugs or alcohol, and it's important to confront it. We're here to give you tips and strategies on how to do it. Read More

    Last Updated

    October 2023

    [1]“Get Smart About Drugs.” Find Help | Get Smart About Drugs, www.getsmartaboutdrugs.gov/content/what-you-should-know-about-marijuana-concentrates-honey-butane-oil

    Additional Sources:

    “Marijuana.” DEA, www.dea.gov/factsheets/marijuana

    “Marijuana.” MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 7 Nov. 2018, https://medlineplus.gov/marijuana.html