Some States Classify Recreational and Medical Marijuana Businesses as Essential

    More than a dozen states have classified recreational marijuana shops and medical marijuana dispensaries as “essential” businesses during the coronavirus pandemic, The New York Times reports. Most states are requiring marijuana businesses to limit themselves to takeout or delivery services.

    In the San Francisco Bay Area, after a stay-at-home order was issued, marijuana sales jumped more than 150% over the same period a year earlier. Sales of edibles rose to levels generally seen only around April 20, the unofficial annual marijuana appreciation holiday, according to Liz Connors, Director of Analytics at Headset, a cannabis market research company.

    Connors noted that edible products may be especially popular “it’s probably the easiest way to get high without touching your face very much.”
    In addition to California, marijuana sales have risen sharply in many states including Colorado, Washington and Pennsylvania.

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    March 2020