Reducing Stress in Teens Might Lessen Motivations for Substance Use, Study Suggests

    Reducing stress and promoting mental health among teens might lessen motivations for substance use, a new government study suggests.

    Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) studied about 9,500 responses by teens being evaluated for treatment for substance use disorder between 2014 and 2022, CNN reports.

    Among teens being assessed for substance use disorder treatment, the most commonly reported reasons for substance use included seeking to feel mellow or calm, with almost three-quarters citing this reason, the study found. Many other top reasons were linked to stress reduction. The study found 44% said they use substances to stop worrying about a problem or forget bad memories, and 40% said they use substances to help with depression or anxiety.

    “Public health action ensuring that youths have access to treatment and support for mental health concerns and stress could reduce some of the reported motivations for substance use,” the CDC researchers wrote.


    February 2024