People Crossing State Lines to Buy Alcohol During Pandemic

    Some people living in states where liquor stores are not deemed essential businesses during the pandemic are crossing state lines to purchase beer, wine and spirits, ABC News reports.

    Currently 40 states with shelter-in-place orders have deemed liquor stores and other shops that sell alcohol to be essential businesses. They also have allowed restaurants to deliver alcoholic drinks.

    In Pennsylvania, wine or spirits can only be sold through state-run stores. Since the governor issued a shelter-in-place order, residents can only buy wine or spirits through a state website. Pennsylvania residents living close to the state’s borders have been driving to West Virginia, Ohio, New Jersey and other states where liquor stores are still open.

    Ohio and West Virginia have issued new rules stating that only residents with state-issued IDs can buy products from alcohol stores, in response to reports of huge crowds waiting in line to purchase alcohol.

    Is Alcohol Use Spiking in Your Home?

    If you are concerned about increased alcohol consumption in your home, our helpline, parent coaches and our Text COVID program are just some of the resources families can use to address a loved one’s drinking.

    Learn more


    April 2020