Pandemic Leading to Increased Prices of Illegal Drugs

    The price of illegal drugs is increasing because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents tell USA Today.

    Mexican cartels are having a harder time moving drugs and drug profits across the U.S.-Mexican border without detection, agents say. To compensate, cartels are increasing the price of drugs, especially meth.

    “About half of our field divisions are reporting price increases at the retail level of meth and increases for fentanyl” across the country, said J. Todd Scott, special agent in charge of the DEA’s Louisville Field Division. “There’s less of it out there, they’re gonna charge more.”

    Meth prices have doubled in Los Angeles, according to Bill Bodner, special agent in charge of the DEA’s Los Angeles Field Division.

    The price of fentanyl and crystal meth has risen in Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee, according to Vic Brown, executive director of Appalachia High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area task forces.

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    June 2020