In Some Schools, More Than Half of Teens Use E-Cigarettes

    A survey of middle and high school students finds that e-cigarette use in some schools is as high as 60%, according to HealthDay.

    The survey found that overall, more than one in 10 American middle and high school students said they used e-cigarettes in the past month.

    Researchers from the University of Michigan analyzed data from students in eighth, tenth and twelfth grades in 580 schools in 2015 and 2016. In the Journal of Adolescent Health, they reported that vaping rates were highest in schools with a higher percentage of white students, and where more students smoked traditional cigarettes.

    “Imagine how different a school environment would be to a teenager if none of their peers were vaping, compared to three out of every five of their peers,” lead researcher Sean Esteban McCabe said in a university news release. “These would feel like two different worlds to a teenager.”


    COVID-19 is a Good Reason to Help Your Child Quit (or Never Start) Vaping

    Some experts have drawn a connection between vaping and COVID-19. If you’ve previously asked your child to quit or cut back without the result you’d hoped for, now is a good time to try again.

    Learn more


    June 2020