Group Tells Employers to Prepare for Rise in Workers’ Pandemic-Related Substance Use

    Employers should be prepared for an increase in employees needing addiction treatment as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the National Safety Council.

    Workers who were in treatment may experience decreased or interrupted services, the NSC said. Increased substance use related to the pandemic could lead to productivity losses and absenteeism, the group noted.

    The NSC said at least 30 states are reporting increases in fatal opioid overdoses during the pandemic, according to Forbes. “Every single employee is facing an incredible amount of stress right now,” said NSC President and CEO Lorraine Martin.

    On its website, the NSC provides resources for employers on treatment and recovery during COVID-19. The group suggests employers take actions including openly talking about COVID-19 and its impacts on mental health and substance use. “Emphasize that recovery is highly achievable with the right support, and that you will help support employees in their journey,” the group advises.

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    COVID-19: We Are Here for You

    In this uncertain time, we know that you may be concerned about keeping your families and your communities safe and healthy. We are dedicated to ensuring you have the support you need to address substance use and addiction – from prevention to recovery.

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    June 2020