We all have personal stories about how addiction has affected us and those we care about. But these experiences haven’t defeated us – they’ve inspired us to take on addiction from every angle and connect with others working to better themselves and the world.

A Crisis We Can Solve: Substance Use Disorder is a National Crisis, But We Can Overcome It

Carleah Summers, founder of Andrea’s House, took her own experience as a mother in recovery and built an organization dedicated to supporting other moms on their road to recovery while helping them reconnect with their kids and loved ones.


I look at what Partnership is doing and the lives they’re touching, and that is what it’s all about.

Carleah Summers

Founder & CEO, Andrea’s House


We’ve all seen how addiction and substance use disorder seep into every aspect of society, from education to the justice system to health care to the child welfare system. But hundreds of thousands of people are responding with positive action.

Your Impact

The parents and caregivers of those struggling are essential to successful treatment and recovery, but are woefully under-supported.

In 2023 we provided direct, personalized and free support to more than 20,000 parents. We delivered training to more than 2,400 providers & professionals, and delivered expert services to public agencies, health systems, non-profits, schools, and community-based organizations. More than 1.7 million people benefited from our educational resources, including “how to” guides, videos, parent skills courses, and articles—all available for free on our website.


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We’re going to have to reach more families with effective services and we’re going to have to advocate for essential policy changes.

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We work with school counselors, health care providers, government agencies, caring corporations and more. We need everyone on board.