Support High-Quality Recovery Housing

    More than 21 million Americans are in recovery from substance use disorder. For many, recovery housing, which provides a drug-free and supportive living environment, is critical to maintaining that recovery.

    Recovery housing helps people whose circumstances — like a lack of steady income or criminal record — make it difficult to remain housed. It has been found to reduce substance use, increase employment and reduce illegal activity.[1]

    Many states do not regulate recovery housing or require accreditation. As a result, there are inconsistencies in quality, including substandard and fraudulent providers.[2] The Excellence in Recovery Housing Act would improve the understanding of quality, effectiveness, and availability of recovery housing; coordinate the federal government’s efforts in addressing recovery housing; and promote the adoption of best practices for operating recovery housing.

    Make your voice heard and ask your members of Congress to cosponsor the Excellence in Recovery Housing Act (H.R. 2376/S.2901) by filling out the form below.

    This bill has been incorporated into CARA 3.0 in both the House and Senate. To tell your members of Congress to support quality recovery housing, we encourage you to also send a letter urging them to cosponsor CARA 3.0.
