Know the facts and connect with support to help you address known or suspected substance use with your child.

Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a hallucinogenic tryptamine. It is found in a variety of plants and seeds, and can also be produced synthetically.[1]

Pure DMT is most often found in crystal form. It is generally sniffed, smoked or injected.[1] DMT causes hallucinogenic effects that last for about 45 to 60 minutes.

Understand the risks

Short-term effects include increased blood pressure and heart rate, and dilated pupils. Long-term effects of DMT use and misuse and its potential to cause addiction are currently unknown.[1]

Identify & address use

Signs of use include hallucinations frequently involving radically altered environments as well as body and spatial distortions as well as agitation. If you’re concerned your child may be using DMT or other substances, the following can help you address the behavior more effectively.