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Help Us Change the Story of Addiction

We’re using the power of storytelling to break barriers and reduce the heartache and frustration. Take action and help us fix the system.

We’re using the power of storytelling to break barriers and reduce the heartache and frustration. Take action and help us fix the system.

  • Show me stories about

No one ever talked about or asked about my family history of addiction

Health care providers do not typically ask about family history of addiction, even though they screen for a number of hereditary health conditions.

Alice's son, a victim of patient brokering

My child’s health care provider did not identify his addiction

Health care providers receive minimal training to address addiction and are unequipped to identify, treat and manage this common life-threatening disease.

Barbara and Ryan Hampton - today

My insurance company would not pay for treatment

The cost, at this point in my life, was beyond my financial ability. I was still paying off treatment he had...

take action alert

Support Overdose Awareness Day

The federal government has not ordered the flags to fly at half-staff to mark one of our nation’s greatest tragedies: the ongoing drug overdose crisis.

Andrew Kiezulas - young person in recovery - and sister

My doctor prescribed me opioids without discussing the risks

Health care providers often do not discuss the addictive qualities of opioids or inform patients of alternative treatment options.