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Help Us Change the Story of Addiction

We’re using the power of storytelling to break barriers and reduce the heartache and frustration. Take action and help us fix the system.

We’re using the power of storytelling to break barriers and reduce the heartache and frustration. Take action and help us fix the system.

  • Show me stories about

can you grieve someone when they're still alive

When my son was struggling with substance use and my family needed help supporting him, I was told I was enabling

When families are supporting a loved one struggling with substance use, they’re often given uninformed advice rooted in stigma. There are effective strategies for actively supporting a loved one with addiction, but they aren’t widely available.

An insurance denial led my son to Florida, where he died from an overdose

The Parity Act prohibits discriminatory coverage of mental health and substance use disorder benefits but it is not well enforced.

I was only given one option for recovery

Recovery support services play an important role following treatment, but limited funding can make them inaccessible.

When William needed help, he was repeatedly turned away by hospitals

After reviving a patient who has overdosed, hospital emergency departments often miss an opportunity to engage the patient with substance use disorder treatment.

I was one of the lucky ones to receive medication to treat my opioid addiction

Legal and regulatory restrictions, stigma, and other barriers make it difficult for many patients to access FDA-approved medications to treat opioid use disorder (MOUD).

I turned to substances to self-medicate

Mental illness among youth is often undiagnosed and untreated, leading youth to self-medicate with substances.

take action alert

Urge Your Senators to Pass the Family Support Services for Addiction Act

We need your help to move the Family Support Services for Addiction Act forward.

My son overdosed in a sober house

Sober homes can be an important component of recovery but lack of regulation creates the risk for fraud.

The insurance company insisted my son needed to fail at treatment before providing coverage

“Fail-first” policies put patients at unnecessary risk for suffering a fatal overdose while trying to get coverage for treatment.