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Katherine Fricke

Helpline Specialist II

Katherine Fricke provides direct services to families and caregivers seeking help for their child’s substance use or addiction. Katherine also serves as a helpline specialist shift leader and is responsible for administrative helpline support during various shifts.

In addition to her work at the Partnership, Katherine works in Los Angeles County at Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center providing social services to hospital patients. She also facilitates outpatient substance use treatment groups in the chemical dependency unit. Furthermore, Katherine serves as an individual and family therapist in a private practice setting utilizing cognitive-behavioral and solutions-focused approaches. She has over six years of experience providing direct clinical services to individuals in both an acute medical and behavioral health capacity.

Katherine received her Bachelor of Arts in communication and minor in psychology from Eastern Michigan University. She earned her Master of Social Work from Loyola University Chicago with a concentration in mental health and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the state of California. Katherine is passionate about helping others and dedicated to providing support to individuals and families affected by substance use and mental health issues.