California should outlaw the sale of alcohol through self-checkout machines by passing a new bill, Marin Institute said in an action alert sent out Sept. 7.
Marin Institute said the machines make it too easy for minors to get alcohol.
Marin Institute cited studies by UCLA and San Diego State University that found that one in three students using self-checkout machines were not asked for ID, and that the machines ?failed to operate properly almost 10% of the time when alcohol was scanned.? A separate study showed that it was possible 70% of the time to scan soda pop and then put beer in the grocery bag instead.
The bill, AB 1060, would require that alcohol be sold in person, and is supported by law enforcement organizations, MADD, and others. It has been passed by the state Senate and Assembly, and now awaits the signature of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. The Marin Institute wants voters to let the governor know they support it.