Invigorators and Teas? This is surely not your typical conference. Grounded in “principles of recovery and gender-responsive, trauma-informed care,” the 4th National Conference on Women, Addiction and Recovery will include: “Expert Teas” (small groups gathering in a “living-room environment … to discuss and problem-solve with recognized experts”); “Invigorators” (40-minute sessions designed to energize participants around a given topic); Facilitated Discussions; Mini-Plenaries; big-name speakers; and more.
This unique conference, sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities (TASC), will be held July 26?28, 2010 at the Chicago Marriott Downtown.
You still have a couple of days to register at their “early bird” rate (through June 15). Or get two people from the same organization to attend to lighten the load on your wallets.
Find all the information you need (including registering online) at: