Iowa Gov. Chet Culver has signed legislation that will require bar owners to report underage drinking or other illegal activity that occurs on property they own adjacent to their establishments. The new law, taking effect July 1, also clarifies age classifications for the state’s public drinking and open container laws, the Quad-City Times reported April 13.
Supporters of House File 788 say the new law targets a number of bars and taverns where police frequently respond to reports of underage drinking, drug dealing and other activity in parking lots and other areas next to the place of business. Opponents of the measure expressed concern that the bill’s language creates gray areas with respect to the activities for which bar owners will be held responsible.
The new law also states that a person under age 21 who is in a motor vehicle and has an open container of alcohol is guilty of a possession offense. The law also requires parental notification in cases in which an officer making a reasonable effort to identify an underage drinker refers the young person to juvenile court.