Juul Will Stop Selling Flavored E-Cigarette Pods to Stores

    The e-cigarette company Juul Labs announced this week it will stop selling most of its flavored e-cigarette pods in retail stores, The New York Times reports. The company will also shut down its social media accounts.

    The company made its announcement in the face of increasing government pressure and a public outcry over teenage vaping, the article notes.

    “As of this morning, we stopped accepting retail orders for our Mango, Fruit, Creme, and Cucumber JUUL pods to the over 90,000 retail stores that sell our product, including traditional tobacco retailers (e.g., convenience stores) and specialty vape shops,” the company said Tuesday in a news release.

    Juul has more than 70 percent of the e-cigarette market share in the United States. The company said it will keep mint, tobacco and menthol flavors in retail stores.

    what if my kid is vaping or juuling

    The Teen Vaping Trend – What Parents Need to Know

    With the recent Monitoring the Future Study release indicating that nearly one in three 12th graders reported using a vaping device in the past year, it’s imperative that parents are informed of the potential dangers that can result from vaping.

    Learn more


    November 2018