White House Drug Control Strategy Aims to Reduce Deaths from Opioid Overdoses

    The Trump Administration’s new National Drug Control Strategy focuses on reducing deaths from the opioid crisis, CNN reports.

    Jim Carroll, the new director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, said in a statement that the strategy “builds upon our current whole-of-government approach that educates Americans about the dangers of drug abuse, ensures those struggling with addiction get the help they need, and stops the flow of illegal drugs across our borders.”

    The goals of the new plan include reducing national opioid prescriptions by one-third, improving access to evidence-based addiction treatment, and reducing the availability of illicit drugs within the United States.


    Heroin & the Opioid Epidemic: From Understanding to Action

    Heroin and other opioids are ravaging communities across America. Heroin-related deaths increased by more than five times between 2010 and 2017, and drug deaths from fentanyl and other synthetic opioids are seeing a sharp rise as well.

    Take action against this epidemic now


    February 2019