University of Tennessee Investigating Alleged Alcohol Enema Incident at Fraternity

    Officials at the University of Tennessee are investigating claims that fraternity members took alcohol enemas, leading to the hospitalization of one student with alcohol poisoning. Police said his blood alcohol was measured at a potentially fatal level of above 0.40.

    Officers questioned young people who brought the student to the hospital. They said the student had consumed wine through an enema, according to the Associated Press. The technique is supposed to enhance the effects of alcohol.

    The AP reports 11 students and a visitor were cited for underage consumption of alcohol. The national fraternity Pi Kappa Alpha suspended its University of Tennessee chapter for 30 days while it investigates the incident. The university will also investigate.

    The father of the student said his son has recovered and returned to classes.

    The school’s Vice Chancellor for Student Life, W. Timothy Rogers, said the incident occurred soon after administrators met with fraternity and sorority leaders to talk about following campus rules. “It’s very disconcerting that it happened so soon after that meeting,” he said. “We are a dry campus, but I’m not naive enough to think it won’t go on.”


    September 2012