Trump Vows to Work with UN to Fight Drug Trafficking and Addiction

    President Trump said this week the United States will work with the United Nations (UN) and its member countries to fight drug trafficking and addiction, according to CBS News.

    “The scourge of drug addiction continues to claim too many lives in the United States and in nations around the world. Today, we commit to fighting the drug epidemic together,” Trump said at a meeting of the Global Call to Action on the World Drug Problem. “Illicit drugs are linked to organized crime, illegal financial flows, corruption, and terrorism. It’s vital for public health and national security that we fight drug addiction and stop all forms of trafficking and smuggling that provide the financial lifeblood for vicious transnational cartels.”

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres said the UN is urging its members to crack down on drug traffickers and increase addiction treatment.

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    September 2018