Trump to Declare the Opioid Crisis a Public Health Emergency

    President Trump will declare the opioid crisis a public health emergency on Thursday, USA Today reports. The order waives regulations and gives states more flexibility in how they use federal funds to combat the crisis.

    Under a public health emergency, states could temporarily shift federal grant funds from a wide range of public health issues—such as HIV, diabetes and maternal care—to fund opioid treatment programs. A public health emergency is not as sweeping as a national emergency, which would give the president even more power to waive privacy laws and Medicaid regulations, the article notes.

    In August, Trump promised to declare a national emergency to combat the opioid crisis, and repeated that pledge last week. The president’s opioid commission recommended that he declare a national emergency in July.
    A public health emergency can only last for 90 days, but can be renewed.

    Heroin, Fentanyl & Other Opioids: From Understanding to Action

    Heroin and other opioids are ravaging communities across America. Deaths from heroin increased 328% between 2010 and 2015, and drug deaths from fentanyl and other synthetic opioids are now seeing a sharp rise as well. More Americans die from drug overdoses than in car crashes, and this increasing trend is driven by Rx painkillers.

    Take action against this epidemic now


    October 2017