Strengthening State Alcohol Policies Can Reduce DUI Deaths: Study

    Strengthening state alcohol policies by 10 percent can reduce the odds of alcohol-related motor vehicle deaths by the same amount, according to a new study.

    Researchers examined more than 500,000 crash deaths. They used a scale of 29 possible alcohol policies a state can have, weighted by effectiveness. Alcohol taxes are among the most effective policies in reducing crash deaths, the article notes.

    They found that for every 1 percent increase in the toughness of state policies, there was a 1 percent reduction of alcohol-related crashes, CNN reports.

    If all states today increased the strength of their alcohol policies by 10 percent, it would save about 800 lives a years, the researchers report in this week’s Journal of the American Medical Association.

    How to Address Underage Drinking

    Alcohol is the most widely used substance among America’s teens and young adults, posing substantial health and safety risks. Believe it or not, the average age for a first drink is 14.

    Learn more


    May 2018