Some Connecticut Universities Consider Easing Marijuana Policies

    Some Connecticut universities and colleges are considering easing their marijuana policies in light of a new state decriminalization law. Under the new state law, which took effect July 1, possession of less than a half-ounce of marijuana is punishable by a fine of $150, and will not end up on a person’s permanent record. Before the law was passed, a person caught with the same amount of marijuana could have faced a $1,000 penalty and a year in prison, The Republic reports.

    The University of Connecticut has convened a panel of administrators and students to rethink its current policy that requires police notification whenever there is a suspicion of marijuana on campus. The article notes that universities are being cautious about making any changes to their drug policies, and do not want to adopt a policy that would conflict with federal law. University of Connecticut spokesman Michael Kirk told the newspaper, “On the one hand some change in campus policy may be appropriate in light of the changes in state law. On the other hand marijuana is still illegal.”

    Central Connecticut State University is likely to review its marijuana policy by August, according to a school official. Jonathan Pohl, Director of Drug Education, said he would not want students to view a new, more lax policy as a green light to smoke marijuana on campus. He adds he wants to ensure that students understand that marijuana is still illegal even though it has been decriminalized.


    July 2011