Scholarships Available for 25th Annual National Rural Institute on Alcohol and Drug Abuse

    Bringing Excellence to Rural America
    May 31 – June 4, 2009
    University of Wisconsin-Stout
    Menomonie, Wisconsin

    Celebrating its 25th year, this unique rural alcohol and drug abuse conference provides participants the opportunity to personally interact with other rural alcohol and drug abuse professionals, federal agency representatives, and nationally known institute faculty and resource persons.

    Key resource persons from throughout the United States will present 12 hour in-depth tracks, 4 1/2 hour mini-workshops and 1 1/2 hour special topic sessions on current, innovative and emerging topics.

    Over 170 scholarship opportunities are available for medical and allied health, treatment court, and prevention professionals and more.

    Medical and Allied Health Professionals:

    The Scaife Family Foundation Medical Track includes sessions on neurobiology of addiction, identification of the addict in the hospital/clinic, physician health, detoxification strategies including Buprenorphine, benzodiazepines, xanax, ativan, and current controversies in addiction.

    Twenty-four scholarships are available for medical students, interns, residents or allied health professionals including nurses and others. Each scholarship recipient will have his/her registration fee fully paid. This includes all lectures and workshops, all meals, and lodging in a residence hall. In addition, each recipient receives up to a $500 stipend to help defray travel and incidental costs. All applicants must be interested in learning more about alcohol and drug abuse and medical practice in rural America.

    Treatment Court for Family and Adolescents and Mental Health Court:

    This track for rural drug court practitioners focuses on the unique operational issues and problems faced by rural drug court programs. Fourteen scholarships are available to drug court practitioners. In addition, each recipient receives up to a $500 stipend to help defray travel and incidental costs. All applicants must be interested in learning more about the treatment courts.

    Over 100 other scholarships are available for the Basic Drug Court Track and the Advanced Drug Court Track as well as a variety of other scholarships for treatment personnel and others. 15 Prevention scholarships and more opportunities for funding available.

    For details on track content, scholarship application forms, and registration forms check the website at


    April 2009