SBI Trauma Center Training for New England

    Announcing a free, one-day SBI Training Session for New England!
    March 2, 2010  PIPE  8:30 AM to 4:30 PM  PIPE  Boston MA

    Sponsorsed by
    Boston Medical Center Department of Surgery Trauma Service,
    Boston University School of Public Health BNI-ART Institute,
    in partnership with The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and
    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

    The American College of Surgeons’ Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT) requires that Level I and Level II trauma centers have a mechanism to identify problem drinkers. In addition, Level I centers must have the capability to provide brief interventions for screen-positive.

    Who Should Attend
    Trauma surgeons, trauma nurses, social workers, trauma care providers, injury prevention specialists and trauma center administrators responsible for the implementation of SBI in their trauma center.

    What Participants Will Learn
    What is SBI?
    What are the key components of SBI?
    What screening tools are most effective?
    How to conduct a brief intervention?
    How to implement SBI in trauma centers?
    Billing for SBIRT under CMS Regulations.

    There is no registration fee. Training slots are limited and available first-come first-serve. Lunch and parking will be provided by the BNI-ART Institute.

    There are no funds available to support travel, lodging and expenses associated with the training.

    To register, go to

    For other general SBIRT information, please go to


    February 2010