San Francisco Regulates Marijuana Foods

    The San Francisco Department of Public Health has issued the nation’s first regulations on the labeling and sale of marijuana-infused edibles, the East Bay Express reported July 7.

    Under the new regulations, marijuana cookies and brownies must be individually and opaquely wrapped with the amount of marijuana clearly labeled on the package, no edibles are allowed to resemble candy, and dispensaries will be required to obtain a special permit to serve hot and cold pot-infused drinks.

    The legislation comes after a number of people have been taken to the emergency room after accidentally ingesting food that contains the drug. One doctor cited marijuana-infused edibles as a top cause of accidental poisoning among pets in the San Francisco area.

    “I would definitely recommend that patients consider cookies just like their medication, like their Vicodin,” said dispensary operator Kevin Reed. “If it’s not labeled, you don’t want to be that one explaining to Mom why her heart is beating that fast.”


    July 2010