SAMHSA Webinar: Creating Healthy Work Environments in Homeless Services

    Anyone working in homeless services is at risk of burnout. Caring for people struggling with trauma can lead to secondary trauma, and supervisors often find it challenging to provide adequate support for their staff.

    What’s the best way to support staff at all levels? Learn from the experts in a free webinar, “Promoting a Healthy Work Environment in Homeless Services: What Works” (follow the link to learn more).

    Sponsored by the Homelessness Resource Center at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the webinar will be held Thursday, January 27, 2011, from 1-2:30 p.m. Eastern Time. It is aimed at direct service workers, case managers, team leaders and supervisors.

    The presenters will describe the features of a trauma-informed workplace and cover “identifying organizational core values, developing a ’learning environment,’ ensuring effective supervision, integrating consumers, practicing inclusive decision-making, and promoting self-care.”


    January 2011