SAMHSA Report Pinpoints Local Substance Use Problems Throughout U.S.

    A new report shows that behavioral health problems affect every community throughout America – but in unique, and sometimes surprising ways. The report, based on a nationwide survey commissioned by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), offers detailed analyses of the substance use problems occurring within these smaller geographical areas.

    Since various regions of a state can experience significantly different types of behavioral health problems this type of information is helpful in targeting behavioral health services to where they are most needed. For example, in Ohio alcohol use disorders range from 6.4 percent in a region in the south central part of the state to 9.5 percent in Franklin County.

    “This report provides insight into the different behavioral health needs of communities across the nation,” SAMHSA Administrator Pamela S. Hyde, J.D., said. “States and communities can use the data to inform and target the delivery of prevention and treatment services to meet their unique needs.”

    The report was developed as part of the agency's strategic initiative on prevention as well as data, outcomes, and quality an effort to create an integrated data strategy that informs policy makers and service providers on the nature and scope of behavioral health issues.

    Entitled Substate Estimates from the 2006-2008 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health, the report measures and analyzes 21 substance use behaviors in 344 substate regions representing all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In most states, the substate regions are defined in terms of counties or groups of counties. In a few states, these areas are defined in terms of census tracts, parishes (in Louisiana), or boroughs/census areas (in Alaska).

    The report’s results were based on the combined data from the 2006 to 2008 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) and involved responses from more than 200,000 people age 12 or older throughout the United States.

    The full report is available at


    August 2010