Residential Treatment Programs for Women Receive $14.7 Million in Grants

    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has awarded $14.7 million in grants under its Residential Treatment of Pregnant and Postpartum Women (PPW) with Substance Abuse Problems program.

    The three-year grants will support residential addiction treatment programs for pregnant and postpartum women. “The purpose of these grants is to bolster family services for pregnant and postpartum women by providing high-quality residential treatment, recovery support and family services for those who suffer from alcohol and other drug problems and their minor children who are affected by their mother’s substance use and abuse,” according to the grant announcement.

    Under the program, addiction treatment providers are expected to partner with other public and private providers assisting pregnant and postpartum women, including local public-housing authorities, child-welfare, health, mental-health, family court, criminal-justice, employment, education programs, and other child-serving agencies.

    Each grantee will receive up to $500,000 annually. Grantees included the East Bay Community Recovery Project, Queen of PeaceCenter, Aliviane Inc., Richmond Behavioral Health Authority, Gateway Community Services, Alternative Opportunities Inc., The Women’s TreatmentCenter, WestCare California Inc., Native American Connections, Odyssey House Inc., or Cobb County Community Services Board.


    October 2009