Putting the Pieces Together for Children and Families: The National Conference on Substance Abuse, Child Welfare and the Courts

    Children and Family Futures will present “Putting the Pieces Together for Children and Families: The National Conference on Substance Abuse, Child Welfare and the Courts,” September 14-16, 2011, at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center on the Potomac in National Harbor, MD. This conference will feature the National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children and their 8th Annual Gathering.

    The conference will promote multidisciplinary collaborative advances in practice, research and policy that lead to effective, coordinated, and culturally relevant services for children, youth and families affected by substance use disorders and child abuse or neglect. The goal is safe, stable homes for children and family recovery.

    This conference will focus on:
    •    Family based models
    •    The effects of health care reform
    •    Ensuring sustainability of effective programs in the midst of a changing fiscal climate
    •    The role of substance use disorders as a central issue in child protection and related child serving agencies.

    Conference participants will include child welfare providers, substance abuse treatment providers, juvenile and family court judges and attorneys, law enforcement, prosecutors, probation officers, prevention specialists, maternal and child health agencies, physicians, nurses, researchers and evaluators, educators, tribal communities, community organizations serving youth and children and adult mental health providers.

    For more information, visit Children and Family Futures website or call toll free at (866) 493-2758.


    June 2011