Program Helps Pay Back Student Loans for Some Addiction Treatment Providers

    A new federal program will help pay back student loans for addiction treatment providers who are willing to work in high-need, underserved areas, according to U.S. News & World Report.

    The National Health Services Corps launched the Substance Use Disorder Workforce Loan Repayment Program in December. The program will repay up to $75,000 in qualifying student loans if participants agree to work full-time for three years at an approved site such as a community health center, outpatient treatment program or mobile unit in a federally designated Health Professional Shortage Area.

    Dr. Luis Padilla, Director of the National Health Services Corp, said the program is meant to encourage clinicians providing substance use disorder treatment to continue to provide services in areas that have a shortage of providers, or to start working in those areas. Administrators hope to give out at least 600 awards in the first year. Applications will be accepted through February 21.


    January 2019